
Pure Fit Pure Food 10 week !

Wow I can't believe it's over! If you follow me on Instagram or follow the girls over at Pure Fit Pure Food you will have seen my post.  I just love this food lifestyle of theirs so much.  It's healthy, and realistic, and tasty.  I'm going to copy and paste my thoughts below from that post. But in case you were wondering I lost a total of 8 pounds and a ton of bloat! My husband lost 12 pounds! We are actually starting it all over tomorrow with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law! The cool thing about this program is that I don't need to keep doing the program because I now have the tools to make the right food choices, I'm simply doing the whole thing again for some family fun.  I just can't recommend them enough. It's not some MLM company, I'm not sponsored by them. I just simply love their philosophy, did the whole program, and want people to know about them! Below is my post:

"I cannot even begin to tell you my love of PFPFs food philosophy. It has completely changed my relationship with food forever. The guilt is gone, the binging is gone, and I am just so much happier. Besides pounds I really lost a lot of bloat. I was in a tough place mentally bc I was in between sizes after having my baby. Nothing fit , but bigger sizes looked baggy on me. I weighed 210 pounds when I had my baby 9 months ago 😱😱. Yeop I just gain a ton with pregnancy and there isn't a whole lot of ways around that for me. But I was stuck at about 40 pounds down for a long time and still not fitting in to my clothes . With this program the scale is moving again, I don't look 5 months pregnant anymore, and my clothes fit again , fitting back in to my jeans is the best feeling ever! 
As my husband says now, it's not a program, it's just how we eat now. We both have more weight to loose and now we have the tools to do it. 
This program is the healthy, realistic way towards lasting weight loss. "

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