
Half Marathon

I still can't really believe that I am saying this but I ran a half marathon! I did it! And I didn't have to walk or stop! Boy this day had a bit of anxiety tied to it as it approached but I am so proud of myself.  I wanted a clear cut work out goal after baby.  Between not working out while I was pregnant, and knowing the weight wasn't going to magically disappear with breastfeeding (that's an annoying myth that only happens for some people) I just wanted to work towards something.  Saying I'm going to "eat healthy" and "go to the gym" were far too vague for me so my husband and I signed up for the half marathon.  We started very slowly, 1.5 miles to be exact.  And I remember thinking I was going to die during those 1.5 miles. But before I knew it we were running 5, 6, 7 miles at a time with no problem.  Then we ran a 9 miler! And a 10! And before I knew it the day had come. I am so lucky to have so many friends and family who watched Gray on those long run days when we couldn't take him with us.   On the shorter ones we took the jogging stroller but boy was it nice to just be alone sometimes on those long run days. Just myself, and my thoughts as I pushed myself mentally and physically. Along with the physical training Logan and I really changed our eating habits quite drastically.  We really haven't had fast food except maybe once after Gray was born, and when we are in the mood for something quick we opt for sandwich shops instead. We don't drink soda anymore (5 months clean for me now!).  We try to go low or no carb at dinner time. And we don't keep too many unhealthy foods in the house anymore.  Don't get me wrong we are still foodies through and through and there is nothing I appreciate more than a good steak or burger but we've definitely made some really healthy steps and are continuing to do so.  I am really grateful to have parents (and in-laws) who are healthy and active and can enjoy all kinds of activities with their children! I want to be this way for Gray and that has been a big motivating factor for me.
The day of the marathon my Sister-In-Law Bethany got Gray all ready to go in the morning (my brother-in-law, Logan, and I, had to be at the buses at 5 a.m.) and my father and mother in law, and my brother all came to greet us at the finish line.  They timed it perfectly so that I could breastfeed Gray as soon as I finished! I have to say I felt like SUPER MOM running a half and then feeding my kid right after. It was so nice to have so much support on our big day!
Here are some pics!!

I'm sure some of you are wondering about my weight loss journey since having Gray. I am about to get really real and really personal.  When I had Gray at 40 weeks I weighted 209 pounds (oh. my. gosh.) I have officially lost a little more than 40 pounds and still would like to loose another 15.  These last 15 are being extra stubborn and according to my doctor might not go anywhere until I am done nursing. But besides the actual weight I have toned up A LOT, and just feel really really good. I feel happy, I have so much more energy, and feel like a good wife and mom which is most important to me.  Below is a progress pic so far. I posted one a couple of years ago after I did Insanity so I thought why not again. Stretch marks and all people. I'm a work in progress but aren't we all?

The Photo On The Left: 38 weeks pregnant
Middle Photo: 12 Weeks PP (1 month of working out)
Photo On The Right: 16 Weeks PP (2 Months of Working Out)

*I am now at 22 Weeks PP so I should take some more photos soon*


Eggs, Eggs, and More Eggs Ya'll

I had a few friends text me last week about a little snapchat video I did on some soft-boiled eggs I made for dinner. Like i've said before I eat steel-cut oatmeal almost every morning for breakfast (I know so boring but it helps me with breastfeeding). BUT that often leads me CRAVING some kind of meat/protein come lunch time, so a lot of times I have eggs for lunch, which means I have 2 breakfasts each day OOPS.  Eggs may seem intimating if you've never prepared them before but trust me they are SO easy and a good thing to have in your cooking repertoire. Below is a little rundown of a few of the ways I like to cook my eggs! 

1. Scrambled--easy enough right?? Let me give you a few pointers.  First, I always add about a tablespoon of milk to each egg that I scramble. I know I know, some people say if you are using good, farm-fresh eggs you don't need to add anything to your eggs, but I'm a normal person, who buys my eggs from the grocery store so I find that a little splash of milk makes my eggs creamier. Second, cook your eggs on medium heat, if you cook them too high, and too fast they will be over-cooked and rubbery.  Which brings me to my next point... DON'T OVER COOK EGGS. There is nothing that makes me sadder in this whole world than overcooked eggs. Okay, that was dramatic, but nothing is worse than dry scrambled eggs, or when I go to bite in to a delicious burger with a fried egg on top and the egg yolk doesn't run all over...such a disappointment. In my world I'd rather have an undercooked egg than an overcooked one...just sayin'.  Lastly, salt those babies! Salt brings out the natural taste of eggs in the best friggen way possible, so if someone gives me a plate of eggs that hasn't been properly seasoned? You bet I am reaching for the salt shaker. But as with all food it's better to salt them while you are cooking them as opposed to after. 

2. Soft-Boiled eggs--a personal fav. Don't let these scare you, I've got it down to a science.  First bring your pot of water to a boil, then turn down the heat so the water is at a rapid simmer. Add 2-3 eggs. Set your timer for 5 minutes EXACTLY.   After five minutes remove the eggs and rinse under cold water until they can be handled.  Then peel them. This is the hardest part but with a little practice you'll be a pro. I use a spoon to crack the shell horizontally in a circle and then run my spoon between the egg and the shell to remove the shell.  They should look like this:
And then they should do this:

3. Fried Eggs. YUM. Melt a tiny bit of butter in a non-stock pan over medium heat (remember never too hot for eggs!) and crack your eggs in to the pan.  Wait until the egg white turns from an opaque color to a more set white (about 4 minutes) and then gently, but quickly flip them over. I like my eggs over easy so I literally cook them for like 30 seconds to a minute on the second side and then they are ready. 

4. Poached. The trickiest of the egg preparations.  But if I'm being honest I have an egg poaching pan. Fill the pan with 1/2 inch water, set over medium heat and bring the water to a simmer. Lightly oil the poaching cups and warm the cups in the pan. Crack an egg into each cup, cover the pan and cook about 2-3 minutes. 

5. Lastly are hard boiled eggs, and again, I cheat. I buy the pre-made ones from Coscto. They are awesome for a quick snack but also for making a big bowl of egg-salad! YUM.